Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Safety on the Journey

Among the many reactions among those who learned about my bike trip was concern for my (our) safety --- either because of fears of what might happen on the roads as I pedal, or the possibility of encountering (for lack of a better description) "mean" people along the way.  So, as we approach the final week or so of our journey let me address what our practice has been and the kind of people we have encountered.

Note caution sign on my hind parts.

I always ride defensively, offering the greatest respect to the tons of sheet metal that pass by me each day.  If there is a serviceable shoulder to the road, I stay on the right side of that white line, but if not I ride as closely on the left side of the line as is safely possible. Most roads I have been on are lightly travelled.  Most drivers give plenty of clearance as they pass by though I have to be honest and say that there are those who occasionally pass too closely for my comfort.  I ask God to make me skinny as they pass by.  

In some instances the route has taken me on federal highways or interstates as my only options.  After one twenty mile stretch on the wide shoulder of an interstate highway, I had no problems but had no enjoyment of the ride either.  Since then Denise has picked me up to drive me beyond these highways, and we've adopted the same pattern on approaching the few major cities we have encountered - choosing to avoid congested traffic areas makes for more peace of mind. 

We decided that Denise would also pick me up in case of storms, but surprisingly there has been only one occasion where this was necessary.  The weather has been wonderfully agreeable, with a few storms at night, but we've stayed mostly in the dry.  (Today was a surprise as we approached the town of Lewiston and the thermometer registered 104!  Thankfully, we had already planned on a hotel tonight.  Whew!)

As for mean people?  We've not met many.  Most people I encounter are quick to give a thumbs up or an encouraging word.  I thought I might have an incident as an old pickup truck came to a sudden stop at the top of a driveway in eastern Kentucky.  But as I pedaled by the young man in the passenger seat shouted, "Ya goin' far?"  When I shouted back, "To Oregon!"  He responded, "You be careful."

Denise would agree that we have been treated hospitably and kindly throughout our journey.  We have not been in danger from any people, nor wildlife!  For those who have worried about us, we have been safe.  We are grateful for God's protection, and for your prayers, and are happy to report that most people in the places we have been are anything but mean.  In fact, we've discovered there are still places where people leave their keys in the car and their houses (and churches) unlocked.  

Well, that's the safety report.  Don't worry.

Relaxing at Yellowstone.

1 comment:

  1. What great news to hear that God's protection has gone before you both and that the goodness of God's people has been prominently displayed in bountiful measure. I can't believe it's the last week of your journey. It has been such an incredible blessing to be able to travel vicariously (if only the calorie burn worked that way!). Thanks so much for sharing and keep up the safe and wonderful journey.
    Shelton, Justin, Avery, and Henry
