Saturday, July 5, 2014

Rocky Mt. Highs

(From Denise)
If you read Mark's previous post, we are still tired this morning.  Lander really knows how to celebrate the 4th of July!  But we're pedaling (driving) on to Dubois, WY today.  Tomorrow....the Grand Tetons.  This morning a gentleman in Lander told us he's been all over our country and the Grand Tetons and surrounding area will be the most beautiful sights we'll see.  It's hard to imagine considering the beauty we've already seen.  I spend 8-9 hours in the car each day, driving slowly and pulling over every few miles so that I'm nearby if Mark needs me.  I usually spend my "wait time" taking photos or videos.  I stop in wonder, thinking there can not be a more beautiful sight ahead and then just over the crest of the next jaw drops and I am in awe of what I see.  Stop the car again....get out...take photos or a video (because no photo will capture the scale and grandeur)...back in the the same thing over and over again.  And in between documenting the trip, I'm making lunch, snacks, protein shakes...researching (and researching and researching) trying to make arrangements for a place to lay our head that night.  Some days are tough, when you haven't gotten a good night's sleep (or a shower), you step on gum and spend over an hour trying to scrape it off the multiple grooves in your Keens with the sharpest rock you can find, the powerful winds are a struggle to pedal (and drive) through and you slough through those days. (Sorry, this morning we're both tired and I guess it is showing :) But in the midst of even the toughest days, we will go around a bend or crest a mountain and the spectacular surroundings take my breath away.  The DOT needs to post a new sign - just for me...."CAUTION - Awe Inspiring View Ahead"  And now our new friend from Lander tells me the most beautiful sight I'll ever see will be tomorrow....10 miles outside of Dubois when I come over the pass... I can't wait!!!

Mark has crossed the Continental Divide six times in CO & WY, 
but the first time was the toughest....
Hoosier Pass at 11,539 ft.  "Incredible! What a ride!"

Then again, at Willow Creek Pass, CO!

Near Silverthorne, CO
This overlook was difficult to leave....

"Colorful Colorado" lived up to it's name

Among other birds, Pelicans were nesting at this Wildlife Refuge!
We've seen and heard so many new birds.  Favorites include the Swallow Tailed Fly Catchers in the Flints Hills of KY (Thanks to Courtney for identifying the bird over the phone for us) and Magpies are master aerialists in the West.  

 Arapahoe National Forest
Rock Formations

New State Day!

In Colorado and Wyoming, we've passed hundreds of ranches.  

 Just a couple of miles into Wyoming, I rounded a bend and....

Sometimes we cross paths with other cyclists on the Trans America Trail.  
Advice heard here...."Don't Camp or even slow down in Wisdom, MT.  The mosquitoes will eat you alive!" (Yes, the mosquitoes out west are notorious!)

Then back on the road....

Split Rock...A Landmark on the Pony Express/Oregon Trail

Some of you have asked about rainy weather.  We've had rain camping a few nights and have a wet tent to pack and then dry out later, but on the stormy nights, lightning was never closer than a mile.  (Yes, we laid there and counted so we know the distance.)  The fiercest thunderstorm was in KS, but we were watching the weather and slept safe and sound across Kansas mostly in a hotel or churches.  We have been so blessed - only 3 days of rain while pedaling.  Two in KY - the first was not too bad and Mark rode through it.  The second was a downpour and lasted most of the morning.  Had to pack our tent between the rain and wait in our car before beginning the ride that day.  
Then the third was yesterday.  You can see storms coming miles away....

When we heard thunder Mark got off his bike and in the car.  
The storm passed and then this final descent lay ahead.  

And my favorite view from yesterday.....

It's been an unbelievable, amazing, spectacular, awesome, incredible, life enhancing ride!
(P.S. Happy 75th Birthday Dad!!!  I love you and miss you.  You're absolutely the best!) 


  1. I am in awe of what both of you are doing and seeing. May God continue to be your co-pilot

  2. Thanks for sharing all your wonders so far. We are amazed at your progress, enjoy Wyoming.
    Love, Susan & Thomas
